Photoshop Level 1

Course Description

Students will learn basic photo editing skills using Adobe Photoshop.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Getting Started
File types
The Photoshop environment
Getting help

Lesson 2: Working with image selections
Selection techniques
Modifying selections

Lesson 3: Working with layers
Creating layers
Modifying layers
Using Type layers
Using layer effects

Lesson 4: Adjusting images
Image modes
Hue/Saturation adjustments
Levels adjustments

Lesson 5: Retouching images
Repairing image defects
Using the Background Eraser
Using filters

Lesson 6: Resizing images
Image canvas size

Lesson 7: Preparing finished images
Images for Web use
Images for print use
Outputting images

pdf Printable course details


Computers for Beginners

Word Level 1 & Word Level 2

or equivalent knowledge.

Course Duration

7.5 hours

Study Methods Available

Individual Tuition

Group Training

Distance Learning


Please contact us.

Follow-on Courses

Photoshop Level 2

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